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Smart Cities Marketplace
Scalable cities
11 April 2024

Deep Retrofitting Energy Performance Contracts for Privately-Owned Single-Family Homes

Insulation inserted by gloved hands

On 4 April 2024, a virtual meeting of the Deep Retrofitting Energy Performance Contracts for Private Households Focus group convened to address the challenges and opportunities surrounding deep retrofitting energy performance contracts (EPCs) for privately owned single-family homes. The focus group is chaired by Jolein Schorel, programme manager for this topic at ROM Utrecht Region. 

The agenda encompassed an introduction of the pilot project in the municipality of Amersfoort (NL), discussions on legal considerations and sharing practical examples. Participants delved into the complexities of EPCs, particularly regarding their legal qualification with regard to the scope of a.o. the Consumer Credit Directive, emphasising the need for clarity to mitigate uncertainties and pave the way forward.

Experiences from Belgium and the Netherlands were shared, highlighting both challenges and successes in retrofit financing models. The European Commission's recent recommendations and ongoing initiatives aimed at unlocking private investments in energy efficiency were also discussed as important potential pathways for progress.

Looking ahead, the group validated the working programme and affirmed its commitment to collaboration and exploration, outlining action items including further gathering examples of performance-based retrofit contracts with private homeowners, exploration of the legal implementation of deep retrofit financing models, and facilitating contacts across EU Member States.

The meeting concluded with a determination to continue working towards financing solutions that make deep retrofit energy efficiency projects in private homes feasible, attractive and scalable. The next meeting is scheduled for June 6th, with a focus on further exploration and collaboration.

To feed the contents of this meeting, the focus group launches this open call to share practical experiences with (barriers to) the implementation of inclusive deep retrofit financing solutions - like energy performance contracts - for privately owned single-family homes in the EU. The examples are sincerely welcomed at