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Smart Cities Marketplace
Scalable cities
16 November 2023

SCEWC 2023 Deep Retrofit Focus Group

retrofitting a building

Hybrid meeting


Live: Sergio Olivero, Andreas Acquaroni, Han Vandevyvere
Online: Adelaida Parreño Rodriguez, Alexandre Varela, Cristina Becchio, Gabriele Gazzano, Emiliano Mian, Emmanuele Maria Petruzziello, Marialaura Di Somma, Fabrizio Ghisio, Miguel Gomez Meiras, Richard Henahan, Venizelos Efthymiou


  • Welcome and short introduction to the Smart Cities Marketplace – Sergio Olivero (Chair of DRFG)
  • The Deep Retrofitting Focus Group (DRFG) introduction - Sergio Olivero
  • The ETIP-SNET Initiative: Venizelos Efthymiou (Director, EPL Technology Frontiers Ltd)
  • Deep energy retrofit: assessment of passive and active buildings - Cristina Becchio (Politecnico di Torino)
  • The Gal Terre del Po experience - Sergio Olivero (as member of the Scientific Committee of the CERCHIAMO Energia Project on Renewable Energy Communities (REC) - Italy
  • The role of ICT-IoT-AI digital platforms to manage energy transition in cities - Andrea Acquaroni (Fabbrica Digitale)
  • Discussion / Q&A

Key points

Introduction by Sergio Olivero: role of the Smart Cities Marketplace as an enabling platform, goals of the focus group, explaining the retrofit challenge with a focus on electrification. Particularly combining deep building retrofit with RECs to create building blocks for carbon neutrality in cities, citing examples from Italy.

Presentation by Venizelos Efthymiou about the ETIP SNET initiative, connected to the integrated SET-Plan.  ETIP SNET is involving all main energy stakeholders in Europe, looking at the energy system from all angles. A similar focus on electrification; considering buildings as smart nodes in the energy system.  In that system, moreover, mobility may be the most flexible mode available. It is not only flexible but also mobile.

Presentation by Cristina Becchio about Deep energy retrofit: assessment of passive and active buildings, dealing with passive resilience versus active resilience, emergency operation of buildings, considering different European climate zones, and comparing retrofitted to original performance.

Presentation by Sergio Olivero on The Gal Terre del Po experience: REC applications, looking into communities of RECs (RECOM project), examining applicable local value creators for energy democracy and impact on business models of energy utilities. Enabling factors for ECs are legislative, economic (a.o. in Italy: fiscal benefits, non-repayable funds and grants) and behavioural. RECs need IoT/AI support platforms.

Presentation by Andrea Acquaroni (Fabbrica Digitale – AI competence centre) about The role of ICT-IoT-AI digital platforms in managing energy transition in cities. This is about completing the processes that the previous speakers were presenting. Supporting scientific research as well, working further on algorithms developed by the EU JRC. All work developed until now is open source. The technologies discussed can support evaluation, project design management and maintenance for the whole ‘energy life cycle’. Some examples of applications of AI are solar panel site analysis; energy lifecycle simulation (with JRC); and a human-centric interface.

Thematic Field