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Smart Cities Marketplace
Scalable cities
20 November 2023

The First Scalable Cities Café

Visual of Scalable Cities Cafe

On October 30th, The Scalable Cities Secretariat hosted a “Scalable Cities Café”, the first of a series of online events aimed at exploring the activities that the Secretariat coordinates to foster cross-collaboration between stakeholders and cities.

During this first Café, Sofia Corsi and Elina Sergejeva, from Energy Cities, presented the work of the City Coordinators Group (CCG), which gathers cities to address specific challenges and create a space for the co-design of shared solutions.

Stay tuned to discover the dates of the upcoming Cafes! This will be the perfect opportunity to learn about each of these activities and the opportunities they offer. They will be short, informative and interactive events, including a brief overview of the activity in focus followed by a Q&A session, during which attendees will have plenty of time to ask further questions and address any doubts.