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16 September 2022

Celsius guide: Advancing District Heating & Cooling Solutions and Uptake in European Cities

Celsius Initiative

This publication informs cities and relevant stakeholders about the latest research outcomes in the District Heating and Cooling sector and inspires them to implement similar solutions. These innovative DHC-focussed projects have been collected and analysed by Euroheat & Power in the framework of the Celsius Initiative.

A growing number of cities worldwide are adopting modern district energy solutions as the best way to bring sustainable heating and cooling to these dense urban areas. The refurbishment, construction and expansion of the district energy network, combining district heating and district cooling, integrating and balancing a large share of renewable power, serving as thermal storage, are prerequisites for the smart energy systems of the future.

Get inspired and collect knowledge from recent district heating and cooling (DHC) projects all over Europe. In this updated publication, nearly 70 innovation projects are being highlighted and presented with a focus on the replication potential in other cities.

The European Commission has been funding projects in the sector of district heating and cooling that are innovative and advancing the state of the art of district energy networks to drive the energy transition. These projects have already been presented in the European Commission’s publication “Overview of support activities and projects of the European Commission on energy efficiency and renewable energy in the heating and cooling sector”, which gathers all EU-funded projects in the heating and cooling sector, with one chapter focussing on DHC. 

The present brochure builds on the 2016 document and provides an overview of the EU-funded projects in the area of district heating and cooling. It focuses on the Horizon 2020 Programme for Research and Innovation (2016-2020), including projects funded under the LIFE programme and adds the latest Green Deal projects. 

This publication is meant to foster the uptake of DHC solutions in cities and is therefore, structured in a way that makes the solutions easy to find: Chapter 2.1 gives an overview of all projects that are part of the brochure in a concise way, including Key Performance Indicators and summary tables. Each solution is rated with its replication potential (from one to five stars 1*-5*****), so you can see immediately if this solution can potentially be implemented in your city. 

In Chapters 2.2-2.10, you can browse projects by category: renewables, low temperature, waste heat, heat pumps, digitalisation, heat planning, support activities (standardisation and communication) and smart cities (networks such as Celsius). If you are interested in a particular topic, this is the place to find all projects focussing on a specific area. It provides a high-level overview and analysis of the current state of the art in research. 

Finally, for more in-depth content, consult Chapter 3 - Annex, which gathers all project fiches in alphabetical order. The project fiches have been designed with cities and their needs in mind and go well beyond the generic information provided on the project websites. They not only provide a summary of the projects, the demonstration sites, and relevant contact details but also give answers to the most pressing questions concerning the replication of these solutions: “what is the solution”, “why should I use it”, “what is the environmental impact of the solution”, etc.

Download the brochure here.  

For more information, please contact Heating & Cooling Initiative lead, Aksana Krasatsenka –