Do you aim to connect to German and other European smart cities? Join the project #connectedinEurope, take part in Peer-Learning Partnerships, get inspired and make it happen!
The European Green Deal and the Digital Europe Programme will play a central role in the implementation of European regulations and the design of funding instruments in the coming years. This requires a European exchange of institutional stakeholders and municipalities on how the digital transformation can help achieve the goals of sustainable, integrated and common good-oriented urban development at European and national level.
The #connectedinEurope project addresses the pronounced need for the structured bundling of “digital transformation and urban development” processes and for supporting the participation of municipalities in European networks, including projects and initiatives on digital transformation.
Core activities in the project are the qualification and empowerment of German and European municipalities for networking. With this aim in mind, the project team provides the municipalities with practical instruments, peer-based learning and specialist workshops to build and consolidate their own networking activities.
Funded by: The German Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community
Carried out by: adelphi research gGmbH in cooperation with the German Institute of Urban Affairs (Difu) and the Steinbeis Europa Zentrum.
Project duration: 2021 – 2024
Information on the activity peer-learning partnerships
- Six peer-learning partnerships are formed to promote the creation of networks between German and European cities working on urban digital transformation. The aim is to foster the transfer of successful examples of digital urban development from the experienced to the less experienced within the framework of structured collegial consultation.
- Two cities enter into a partnership in which they act as lighthouse and follower cities, depending on the topic, sharing their expertise and gaining new knowledge. Up to two meetings per year are planned, over a period of three years (2022-2024).
- Accompanying research in the form of case studies will be undertaken on each peer learning partnership focusing on barriers and drivers for sustainable and digital urban development on the local level.
Benefits for the participating cities
- Knowledge acquisition on successful and tested approaches in the field of sustainable and digital urban development
- Evaluation of own projects, identification of potential solutions and development of new ideas
- Establishment of a partnership as basis for future cooperation, e.g. in EU funded projects
- Participation in accompanying activities (workshops, conferences) on the latest smart city topics
- Becoming member of a larger national and European smart city network
- Positioning in the public and political discourse on smart city and urban development
Engagement of the participating cities
- Interest and active engagement in planned activities
- Provide input for the accompanying research
- Participation in the project is free of charge.
Application details
- Deadline for applications: 25.02.2022
- For questions, please contact: Iva Radić-Capuani (radic-capuani@adelphi.de) or Benno Keppner (keppner@adelphi.de)
- Please apply by filling out this survey:
- Version in German: https://surveys.adelphi.de/index.php/436182?lang=de
- Version in English: https://surveys.adelphi.de/index.php/436182?lang=en