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Smart Cities Marketplace
Scalable cities
17 November 2021

Action Cluster meetings of November 2021 - Registration now open


In the first weeks of November, the Action Clusters of the Smart Cities Marketplace welcome Smart City enthusiasts, AC members and all interested stakeholders to take part in their biannual meeting round. Dates for the meetings as well as the individual registration link below.


Action Cluster meeting Sustainable Built Environment: The construction value chain responding to the climate and environmental challenges

Date: 02 November 2021 I 14:30 to 17:30 CET

The Action Clusters Sustainable Built Environment of the Smart Cities Marketplace welcome Smart City enthusiasts, AC members and all interested stakeholders to take part in their bi-annual meeting round. The main challenge in ‘Sustainable Built Environment’ is to reduce energy use, environmental impact, and carbon footprint, entail competitive industries for jobs and growth and at the same time ensure societal and social development and the well-being of citizens. The meeting will focus on the construction value chain responding to the climate and environmental challenges: district heating and cooling by Aksana Krasatsenka (Euroheat and Power) and deep retrofitting by Sergio Olivero (Politecnico di Torino), but also exciting new developments in the Brussels Tivoli district. Daniele Vettorato (EURAC) presents an analysis of tools and methods for developing Positive Energy Districts by COST Action 19126 and IEA Annex 83. Register here to be part of the meeting. Here you can find the agenda


Action Cluster meeting Integrated Planning, Policy and Regulations – Together, let’s SHAPE 2022 and EXPLORE opportunities!

09 November 2021 I 09:30 to 12:30 CET

The Action Cluster Integrated Planning, Policies and Regulation will give you an update on past activities and the current status of its initiatives. These initiatives are: ‘From Planning and Implementation to Replication’ with Initiative Leads Judith Borsboom, Christoph Gollner & Margit Noll, ‘Regulatory Frameworks’ with Initiative Leads Klaus Livik, Marit Myrstad, & Annemie Wykcmans as well as ‘Tools and standards for smart cities’ with Initiative Lead Bernard Gindroz. In addition, the Cluster headed by Simona Costa will have an interactive discussion on how the future looks for the AC and its initiatives taking into account new technological, societal and political developments as the use of digital twins for integrated planning, and New European Bauhaus. Discussion will evolve on how these link to the Action Cluster activities and what new opportunities can be opened for the Initiatives. Register here to be part of the meeting and find the preliminary agenda here


Action Cluster meeting Business Models & Finance

Date: 10 November 2021 I 09:30 to 12:00 CET

This Action Cluster aspires to be a platform of choice for stakeholder-dialogue, and to identify and remove the obstacles for the accelerated development of the smart cities market. Its objectives are to accelerate the development of smart city markets through knowledge sharing, innovation and expertise on business models, finance and funding and procurement. Register here to be part of the meeting and find the preliminary agenda here


Action Cluster meeting Citizen Focus

15 November 2021 I 15:00 to 17:00 CET

In a time of urban transformation and digitalisation of smart cities to respond to climate change and demographic challenges, a risk is that too little attention is given to citizens. The Citizen Focus Action Cluster strongly believes in citizens as fundamental actors for the regeneration and development of intelligent communities. In the context of smarter cities, citizens can help local governments prioritise and respond by consistently offering inclusive ‘smart’ solutions attentive to contrast inequalities and existing divides. Register here to be part of the meeting. And here you can find the preliminary agenda of the meeting here


Action Cluster meeting Integrated Infrastructures and Processes

18 November 2021 I 09:30 to 12:30 CET

Sharing data across city services and stakeholders, and multi-purposing city assets, to achieve desired outcomes, is highly contemporary, absolutely essential, and frustratingly challenging.

Many city infrastructures are ageing; budgets to replace them are stretched; they are procured and managed in ‘silos’. Yet the potential for cities and their customers through new joined-up approaches to exploit modern technologies is substantial. Register here to be part of the meeting. Find the agenda here

Smart City Theme