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Smart Cities Marketplace
Scalable cities
18 September 2018

EU Renovation Hub

Platform for energy-efficient building technologies and business models launched

The EU-funded project STUNNING has launched a virtual knowledge sharing platform, which allows stakeholders to share experiences and exchange on successful renovation technologies and promote underlying business models

The EU-funded Horizon 2020 project STUNNING has launched its “Renovation Hub” (, an interactive online platform dedicated to innovative renovation building technologies and related business models. Stakeholders along the whole construction value chain can upload articles on own refurbishment packages, financing models with a strong replication potential, as well as best practice case studies which highlight their implementation. By launching the Renovation Hub, STUNNING promotes innovative packages for renovation of buildings, their accelerated acceptance by the market players and consumers and increase the renovation rate in Europe.

Articles on the Renovation Hub related to refurbishment packages offer a description of the technologies comprised in the package, information of implementation constraints and barriers as well as lessons learnt and cost-benefit analyses. Articles on promising business models involve information about the most successful and promising types of business models, selected and optimized by STUNNING. Business case articles demonstrate through best practice studies how innovative and promising business models are implemented. Hence, the Renovation Hub allows technology owners to promote own technologies, municipalities and building owners to search for and analyse suitable refurbishment packages, while capital providers can disseminate their financing models.

Interested organisations can register themselves as STUNNING stakeholders and choose their level of involvement:

  • STUNNING Follower: Follow social media, get newsletters and read all public information.
  • STUNNING Expert: Get access to the submit articles section and occasionally provide own articles. Validate articles of others and get invited to STUNNING workshops.
  • STUNNING Ambassador: Take a leading role in the validation of articles and promote STUNNING in own community.


STUNNING is funded from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 768287. Coordinator: DOWEL Management (France), further partners: CSTB (France), RINA Consulting (Italy), Solintel (Spain), Steinbeis 2i GmbH (Germany).

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Coordinator Contact:

Karine Laffont-Eloire:, Tel.: +33 (0)483 65 06 57

Responsible for this press release: Steinbeis 2i GmbH, Franziska Bergmann (, +49 (0)721 93519 118)