On behalf of the Smart Cities Marketplace and the Chair of Deep Retrofitting Focus group, we would kindly like to invite you to participate in the workshop “Electrification of Thermal Loads and Renewable Energy Communities for Urban Renovation: Safety, Sustainability and Quality of Life for Families”.
- 10:00-10:15 - Registration/Registrazione
- 10:15-11:00 - Welcome greetings Georg Houben, European Commission - SCM; Fabrizio D’Ascenzo, INAIL Commissioner; Federica Rossi Gasparrini, President of Obiettivo Famiglia/Federcasalinghe; Roberta Toffanin, Italian Ministry of Environment/GSE
- 11:00-11:20 - Electrification of buildings and Renewable Energy Communities: towards sustainable and inclusive urban renovation, Sergio Olivero, Energy Center of the Politecnico di Torino - Member of the Scientific Committee of Federcasalinghe and Coordinator of the Deep Retrofitting Focus Group - Smart Cities Marketplace of the European Commission
- 11:20-11:40 - Electrifying kitchens to enhance families’ safety and foster energy transition for buildings: the project “Induction Cooktops for Home Safety”, Federica Rossi Gasparrini, President of Obiettivo Famiglia/Federcasalinghe, President of the Comitato INAIL amministratore del Fondo autonomo speciale per l’assicurazione contro gli infortuni domestici
- 11:40 - 12:10 - From the project “Induction Cooktops for Home Safety” to the renovation of built environment for the sake of comfortable, energetically efficient, healthy and safe homes: the opportunities made available by the Italian plan “going beyond gas”, Sen. Antonio Salvatore Trevisi, Italian Parliament, Segretary of 8° Commissione permanente, Ambiente, Transizione tecnologica, Energia, Lavori pubblici, Comunicazione, Innovazioni tecnologiche, Sergio Olivero, Member of the Scientific Committee of Federcasalinghe and Head of Business&Finance Innovation at the Energy Center of the Politecnico di Torino
- 12:10 - 13:00 - Cristina Becchio, Politecnico di Torino, Round Table / Tavola Rotonda, Sofia Mannelli, President of Chimica Verde Bionet, Giovanni Gaggiano, President of ASME, Barbara Valenzano, ex-ILVA Transition Manager, Giovanni Esposito, President of CNPI, Francesco Meneghetti, President of GAL Terre del Po, Gianandrea Rizzieri, Legal&Financial Advisor, Sara De Martini, Delegate CLASP, Moderator/Moderatore: Ennio Maccari, President of ANTA-Associazione Nazionale per la Tutela dell’Ambiente
- 13:00 - 13:20, Discussion/Dibattito
- 13:20 - 14:00, Conclusions/Conclusioni, Federica Rossi Gasparrini, President of Federcasalinghe
Practical Details
The meeting will be also streamed online to enable the participation of group members, who are not able or are not planning to participate in the workshop physically.
Please note that the quality of web streaming is dependent on the internet connection on spot and not professionally supported.
Please indicate your interest in participating in the group meeting by responding to sergio.olivero@polito.it and state whether you are planning to participate physically or online.
Type of event
Parlamentino INAIL, Via IV novembre 144, Rome