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Smart Cities Marketplace
Scalable cities

Asper Investment Management


Geographical coverage
Investment types offered
Business models offered
Energy Performance Contracts, concessions


Independent investment management firm, focused on sustainable infrastructure such as heat networks and renewable power.

Our mission is to “Build the New”, and we do this by backing entrepreneurial developers to support them growing their businesses and asset platforms.

Products and investments

Private equity investments with a strong focus on sustainable infrastructure/real assets, with focus on heating and cooling networks, wind and hydro. Asper Investment Management seeks to partner with developers that have pipelines that a need at least €100m, ideally €2-500m over a 3-5 year time horizon. The average project size is €10-50m indicatively, but can flex up or down. To date, Asper Investment Management has financed over 100 projects.

Asper Investment Management has €1.4bn Assets Under Management.