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Smart Cities Marketplace
Scalable cities


Under Solutions you will find our solution booklets, the Smart City Guidance Package and its summary document as well as the Celsius toolkit. 

Solution Booklets explain a technology or a concept and its potential for application in a city, in a short booklet of around 30 pages. The booklets are written in an accessible style so that non-technical experts can get a grip on the technologies described. They provide various stakeholders with a good overview as well as a dive into what the specific technology or concept includes, and what it could mean for a particular city or municipality. It brings forward the lessons learned from pilot projects and previous applications, the enabling framework, the business case and the potential support the city can deliver to enable the technology or concept to be rolled out. The booklets’ subjects range from technical, like district heating and cooling networks or e-buses, to non-technical matters like citizen engagement or implementing sustainable and smart city strategies. All booklets contain a number of relevant examples, descriptions of cases and useful references.

The Smart City Guidance Package was developed under the former EIP SCC Marketplace, which has meanwhile become the Smart Cities Marketplace. It is an overall urban governance and planning manual that has been created on the basis of a wealth of experiences and advice from practices and projects on the ground. The Smart City Guidance Package may be compared to a tree structure to which the solution booklets are attached as its leaves.

The Celsius Toolkit aims to be a source of knowledge and inspiration for cities interested in developing district energy (district heating and cooling) solutions. It addresses cities which are just beginning to implement small-scale district heating and cooling networks as well as cities with large established systems endeavouring for even smarter and more efficient solutions.

Connecting municipalities

Helping each other and pooling resources is often a good idea. This is also true when it comes to district...

Utility-side storage

The heat hub in Rotterdam stores hot water from e.g. waste incineration and boiler plants, in order to balance heat...


The sun is an abundant source of renewable energy that is available to use. If we could harvest a fraction...