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Smart Cities Marketplace
Scalable cities

Smart Solutions Casebook

The front page of the casebook showing a photo from Barcelona with the text Smart Solutions Casebook.


Publication Date
Solution booklets and thin books

Solution type

Solution booklets and thin books
Smart City Theme

This brief casebook explores how three cities, Barcelona (Spain), Utrecht (the Netherlands) and Grabovo (Bulgaria), have succeeded with the deployment of smart city solutions using innovative financing methods. 

Barcelona has developed the Barcelona Sustainable Energy Mechanism to scale up the delivery of solar energy projects through co-investment agreements involving the municipality, private investors and local building owners.

Grabovo has managed to roll out a smart lighting system by opening up for an energy service company (ESCO) to help them finance the deployment.

Utrecht has succeeded in rolling out innovative e-vehicle charging stations with private investment by leveraging data and strong partnerships.

Smart Cities Marketplace-Smart Solutions Casebook.pdf