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Smart Cities Marketplace
Scalable cities

Heat recovery at a hospital in Budapest, Hungary



Publication Date
Celsius Toolkit

Solution type

Celsius toolkit

This case study is part of a project catalogue produced by ReUseHeat to provide inspiration on how to utilize excess heat from urban sources for heating and cooling purposes. The catalogue contains 25 existing or planned projects, of which 12 cases are Danish and 13 are from other European countries.


 Figure 1. Source: Thermowatt


 Figure 2. Source: Thermowatt


At the military hospital in Budapest, wastewater from the sewage system is used for heating and cooling. The stable sewage water temperatures and a heat pump system ensure a steady and sustainable heating deliverance to the hospital.

The project of using heat recovered from the sewage system was inaugurated in October 2014. The heating and cooling extracted from the sewage water is used internally at the military hospital. The heat pump system is developed by Thermowatt with a total cost of approximately € 2.5 M. Energy savings can however reduce the annual operation costs for heating and cooling purposes by approximately € 340.000.

The sewage water temperature is between 10 and 20 degrees Celsius throughout the year. The military hospital is a relatively large building complex that requires heating and cooling for 40,000 m2. Therefore, the heat pump system has a heating capacity of 3.8 MW and a cooling capacity of 3.3 MW. There are installed approximately two equally-sized water-to-water heat pumps.

When sewage water is used as a heat source, a filtration unit is required to cleanse it before it is sent to the heat pump units. Approximately 11,000 m3 of sewage water passes the system every day. The total system is placed in an underground car park and occupies approximately 210 m2. The heating and cooling are delivered through air-handling units composed of large heat exchangers. Hereby low operation temperatures of approximately 32 degrees Celsius are reached. A system COP between 6.5 and 7.1 is accordingly reached.

Facts about the case

Heat source:
Sewage wastewater 10-20°C
Heating capacity:
3.8 MW
Cooling capacity:
3.3 MW
Heat pump COP:
Sewage water at 10 to 20°C is heated to 32°C. Cooling is delivered at 6°C.
Finished in 2014.

Budapest, Hungary

ReUseHeat, Finished in 2014, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute

Names of stakeholders


External links:

SBO military hospital, Thermowatt, Handbook – 25 cases of urban waste heat recovery

Authorizative easiness   x  
Adaptability to different climate conditions     x
Technology easy-to-implement (No need for specific technical requirements)     x
Easy-to-implement No need for technical requirements)     x
Easy-to-operate (No need for specific technical requirements)     x
Opportunity of integrating waste energy sources     x
CAPEX needed for the deployment of the solution   x