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Smart Cities Marketplace
Scalable cities

Excess heat from a vegetable market, Denmark



Publication Date
Celsius Toolkit

Solution type

Celsius toolkit

This case study is part of a project catalogue produced by ReUseHeat to provide inspiration on how to utilize excess heat from urban sources for heating and cooling purposes. The catalogue contains 25 existing or planned projects, of which 12 cases are Danish and 13 are from other European countries.

 Figure 1. Copenhagen Markets, by Høje Taastrup Fjernvarme A.m.b.a.


In 2016, the old vegetable market in Høje Taastrup was replaced by Copenhagen Markets, a new and comprehensive vegetable market with a large cooling demand. Low-temperature heat from district cooling is used to produce district heating.

The local district heating company, Høje Taastrup Fjernvarme, delivers district cooling to the vegetable market through a large joint grid. An electric refrigeration compressor supplies the cooling. Hereby, individual and less efficient cooling systems were replaced by a centralized cooling unit that benefits from economies of scale. Return flow from the district cooling network contains heat, which is upgraded through a heat pump to supply hot water to the district heating consumers. The overall system takes advantage of co-producing cooling and heating, where the production of cooling cannot be delivered without the production of heat.

The system is currently the most comprehensive district cooling system in the Nordic Region. Fruits, vegetables and flowers are preserved at optimal temperatures while district heating prices are lowered. The district cooling system displaces old refrigerator units, which lowers the overall energy consumption and benefits the environment. The next stage in Høje Taastrup is to expand the district cooling network and add more heat pumps, hopefully increasing the number of consumers. District cooling proves to be an important part of the future urban development for both comfort and process needs and there is a large potential for district cooling in Denmark.

Facts about the case

Building type:
Vegetable market 
Cooled floor area:
15,000 m2
Installed cooling capacity:
2000 kW
Installed heat capacity:
2300 kW
Heat source:
Heat from district cooling (16 °C)
Refrigerator COP:
Heat pump COP:
District cooling is delivered at -8 °C, using an extra chiller, and returns at 16 °C.
The heat pump contributes with 3% of the total heat consumed in Høje Taastrup.
Investment cost: 
€3.36 M
Finished in April 2016
Cooling potential:
The overall potential is 56 MW.
District heating network:
3196 consumers

Høje Taastrup, Denmark

ReUseHeat, Finished in April 2016

IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute

External links:

  1. Copenhagen Markets
  2. Høje Taastrup Fjernvarme
  3. Handbook – 25 cases of urban waste heat recovery
Authorizative easiness   x  
Adaptability to different climate conditions     x
Technology easy-to-implement (No needs of specific technical requirements)     x
Easy-to-implement (No needs of specific technical requirements)     x
Easy-to-operate (No needs of specific technical requirements)     x
Opportunity of integrating waste energy sources     x
CAPEX needed for the deployment of the solution   x