The Horizon 2020 programme has invested €381 million in SCC projects, with the total value of supported projects, including additional funding, reaching €446 million. In 2022, Horizon Europe further bolstered this initiative with two new projects centred on Positive and Clean Energy Districts (PCED). The accumulated expertise from eight years of SCC execution has notably contributed to the EU's current ‘Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities’ mission under the Horizon Europe framework (2021-27), with 53 of the 120 ‘Climate Neutral and Smart Cities’ having previously engaged in the SCC Initiative.
This report aims to pinpoint, comprehend, and highlight viable business cases and financing models, with a special focus on Positive Energy Districts (PEDs). It delves into value and service chains, hurdles, prerequisites, and potential strategies and mechanisms for scaling and commercialisation. The report, pulished by Scalable Cities, evaluated 12 Lighthouse Consortia and selected 13 business models as exemplary models that have contributed to expansion and upscaling of projects.
You can read the in-depth report and key insights by downloading the publication. In case of further inquiries, please contact Scalable Cities Secretariat via helpdesk.