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Smart Cities Marketplace
Scalable cities

Economic Monitoring Guide

Economic Monitoring Guide


Publication type
SCIS/SCM Monitoring guide
Publication Date

The aim of this guideline is to support the preparation and subsequent implementation of a long-term monitoring method for the collection and assessment of economic data. For achieving this objective, an appropriate structure for collection of relevant types of costs is introduced. This is a prerequisite for the economic assessment of the respective measures. Furthermore, by providing a common cost structure, meaningful comparisons of assessment results of different projects are enabled.

This guideline is mainly intended for building owners, planners, operators, monitoring experts as well as persons responsible for financial project accounting and provides assistance in the systematic acquisition of data for assessing the economic benefit of measures. However, it can also be used by the respective stakeholders for supporting the development of a permanent data structure for collecting and assessing costs in the context of an already existing cost monitoring method.
