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Projects data visualisations


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Projects data visualisation results 465

Results 9 to 16

In most of the KPI visualisations for individual project activities (Fields of Action or abbreviated FoA) savings are presented in absolute values, according to the axis label of the horizontal axis.

But for specific KPI (Key Performance Indicators) of the Vehicles cluster in the Mobility and Transport thematic field this is different. The Modal split ("Public and collective transport", "Private vehicles", "Biking and walking" and "average occupancy", themselves have the unit %. In this case, only an improvement is calculated for the "average occupancy". This improvement is in relative percentage. An example:

If the average occupancy of the baseline situation is 60% and after intervention it is 70%, then the visualised improvement is 16%.

Delft/ van der Lelijstraat

Building aspects

Building type / residential

Contentin Falguière

Building aspects

Building type / residential

1 Residential building in Portugalete

Building aspects

Building features / Active ventilation control Building features / Thermal storage (including thermal inertia) Building type / residential

ICT aspects

Building / Building Energy Management System Building / Mobile applications for citizens City level / Mobile applications for citizens ICT / Building Energy Management System ICT / Mobile applications for citizens Mobility and Transport / Mobile applications for citizens

Solar thermal Finn1

Bostäder Sopranen and Tenoren

Building aspects

Building features / Active ventilation control Building features / Passive ventilation control (cooling by natural convention of cold air during summer nights) Building type / residential

ICT aspects

Building / Building Energy Management System ICT / Building Energy Management System


Building aspects

Building features / Active sun influx control (shutters or louvers) Building features / Active ventilation control Building features / Passive ventilation control (cooling by natural convention of cold air during summer nights) Building features / Thermal storage (including thermal inertia) Building type / residential

ICT aspects

Building / Building Energy Management System ICT / Building Energy Management System

Klipporna Hus 2

Building aspects

Building features / Active ventilation control Building features / Passive ventilation control (cooling by natural convention of cold air during summer nights) Building features / Thermal storage (including thermal inertia) Building type / tertiary (non municipal)

ICT aspects

Building / Building Energy Management System ICT / Building Energy Management System

Malmö Live Hotel

Building aspects

Building features / Active ventilation control Building features / Passive ventilation control (cooling by natural convention of cold air during summer nights) Building type / tertiary (non municipal)

ICT aspects

Building / Building Energy Management System ICT / Building Energy Management System