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Scalable cities



EIT Urban Mobility logo


Total costs
Project type
EIT urban mobility project
Funding programme
EIT Urban Mobility
Smart City Theme


Supporting shifting from private motorized vehicles to cycling through gamification and rewarding.

The challenge

Although bicycles are a common mode of transport for residents in some Northern European cities, other urban hubs in Europe have been less successful attracting more people to ride bicycles. To encourage this change in mobility habits, participants are encouraged to take up cycling in a reward-based gamification scheme.

The solution

BICIFICATION supports modal shift and bicycle use through gamification and rewarding.

The aim of the project is to motivate citizens to shift from motorized vehicles to cycling, through the implementation of gamification rewarding schemes in three cities (Braga, Istanbul, Tallinn) that are already making great efforts for promoting active mobility. These schemes will be supported by an advanced technological solution consisting of a patented hardware and software, which is capable of accurately monitoring bicycle trips.

BICIFICATION has engaged with:

  • Local authorities, that can create new knowledge regarding active modes.
  • Citizens, that will earn as they ride.
  • Local shops, where citizens will be able to spend the credits they earned.


During the implementation of this pilot, the following user KPIs were achieved:

  • More than 1200 users in 3 different cities.
  • More than 50 local shops engaged with the project, with more than 79,000 € earned by users.
  • Over 800,000 km traveled by bike.

The reduction in emissions of the following pollutants was the following:

  • 60 tCO2
  • 60 kgNOx
  • 0.5 kgPM

Lessons learnt

The city representatives agreed that, apart from promoting active mobility and reducing CO2 emissions, BICIFICATION has built a sense of belonging with users that further boosted cycling in Braga, Tallinn and Istanbul.

Stakeholders involved
