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Smart Cities Marketplace
Scalable cities
28 June 2023


Visual call for proposals

New funding opportunities for actors on local and regional levels across Europe.

The Clean Energy Transition sub-programme of LIFE is dedicated to facilitating the transition towards an energy-efficient, renewable energy-based, climate-neutral and resilient economy.

The LIFE CET call 2023 offers plenty of opportunities - whether you are working on the development of plans and strategies or you are preparing concrete investments into sustainable energy, the following call topics might be of interest to you: 

LOCAL – Technical support to clean energy transition plans and strategies in municipalities and regions 

OSS – Integrated services for the clean energy transition in buildings and businesses 

PDA – Project Development Assistance for sustainable energy investments

Some key facts ahead: 

  • Deadline for all LIFE CET call topics: 16 November 2023
  • Funding rate of 95% 
  • Minimum number of beneficiaries varies across call topics 

You might also want to learn which opportunities are in the other topics under LIFE CET as well as the three additional LIFE sub-programmes Nature and Biodiversity, Circular Economy and Quality of Life, and Clima. 

Additional guidance on how to apply and a recorded info session can be found on the CINEA website.  

Take advantage of the funding support and become a leader in the clean energy transition!