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Smart Cities Marketplace
Scalable cities
04 May 2018

In case you missed it, catch up on the Renovation of Public Buildings in Europe Webinar!

SEI Forum – Webinar n°5: Renovation of Public Buildings in Europe

Organised in partnership with the UN Environment Finance Initiative on the 27th April 2018, this webinar discussed, in particular, the renovation of public buildings and tackle the different barriers hindering the financing for energy efficiency investments in this sector. In this webinar we heard 4 presentations:

  • Miguel Casas from Energinvest presented the outcomes of a study on innovative financing mechanisms for energy efficiency, based on 24 concrete case studies across the EU.  
  • Erika Honnay from GRE-Liege presented RenoWatt, a one-stop-shop in Belgium which provides assistance to the participating authorities in the energy renovation of their buildings: identification of energy-consuming buildings, project profitability analysis, financing of the investment program and management of the entire public procurement procedure.
  • Rob McKinnon presented the Re:Fit project which has set up a framework contract to simplify public procurement of energy performance contracts in the UK to support public sector to implement energy efficiency and local energy generation measures.
  • Céline Tougeron from the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) will present the funding opportunities available under the EU programme Horizon 2020 to work on the renovation of public buildings, in particular Project Development Assistance and Innovative Financing schemes.

Individual presentations are available here.

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