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Smart Cities Marketplace
Scalable cities
26 February 2018

Introduction to the Draft Action Plan of the Partnership on Digital Transition - Urban Agenda for EU

The objective of the Digital Transition Action Plan is to provide improved public services to citizens, to support European cities in exploiting the possibilities of digitalisation, and assist European businesses to develop new innovations and create new business opportunities for global markets. The action plan is part of the implementation of Urban Agenda for EU, adopted by the Pact of Amsterdam in May 2016. This plan is linked to several EU level strategies, such as the Digital Single Market Strategy for Europe, European Commission's Digital Agenda which forms one of the seven pillars of the Europe 2020 Strategy and The EU eGovernment Action Plan 2016-2020.

Digitalisation has great potential in improving services and processes, allowing them to become more user-friendly and cost-effective. It is essential that the digital transition in Europe will be based on sound prerequisites that place the interest of the citizen first, taking into account the challenges – such as security and privacy concerns - which come with new technologies.

In general, the current state of digital transition of cities is very diverse. Large cities tend to be at the forefront of digitalisation due to higher demand for more complex services and interactions, and their capacities to develop and provide those services. The main factors constraining the digital transition of cities are lack of funds and lack of skills, although the scope and impact of these constraints differ. Another factor, especially inherent in smaller cities and towns, is a lack of strategic vision. Enhancing the capacities of cities to deliver digital services and tackling these challenges requires policy responses at all levels and by all actors, specifically targeting regions and cities that are lagging behind with their digital transformation and allowing them to become more attractive and competitive.

The Digital Transition partnership emphasises creating and offering European solutions to the global digitalisation markets. In this context, cities have a central role to play, as they are providing the services for their citizens and creating conditions for businesses. The partnership proposes initiatives on the topics where digitalisation can have the most profound effect in transforming urban governance, quality and fulfilment of the life of its citizens, and the most advantageous business and growth opportunities for the businesses. The Action Plan includes actions that aim at achieving more than one objective. 

Read more about the Draft Action Plan of the Partnership on Digital Transition here.

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