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Smart Cities Marketplace
24 January 2024

Citizen-led Renovation Initiative Publishes Factsheets about Pilot Countries

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Buildings are responsible for well over one third of the EU’s greenhouse gas emissions and energy demand. The entire building stock will need to be highly energy efficient and carbon-neutral by 2050 to achieve the EU’s climate objective. In order to meet these ambitious targets, different strategies and potentials have to be explored.

The project Citizen-Led renovation aims to empower energy communities and put citizens in the driver’s seat for energy-saving renovation projects. In the course of the project, four energy communities in four different countries are assisted to deliver citizen-led energy renovations and renewable energy installations within their energy community. This country factsheet provides an overview of the current policy and incentive framework in the countries and regions of the selected pilots. It starts with a brief overview of the EU policy and financing framework, followed by a more detailed overview of the national policy and enabling framework. It considers the state of play in terms of legislation, regulation and administrative procedures that are relevant to the integration of building energy renovation and energy communities.

Download the factsheets here