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Smart Cities Marketplace
Scalable cities


Standardization is a key contributor to boosting the implementation of sustainable related actions for meeting these strategic objectives.

Standardization is an efficient way to harmonize methods and evaluation protocols, as well as to define KPIs and the way to calculate/evaluate their values. Implementing standards help in aligning initiatives and ambitions, as well as in considering a whole set of common issues and in using common methods for KPIs’ calculation/definition and for monitoring, which is key for feeding a benchmark of best practices and success stories based on values.

Smart cities related standardization developments are conducted at global level (ISO, IEC, and ITU) as well as at European Level (CEN, CENELEC and ETSI). Sustainable development in cities and communities related standardization developments are mainly conducted at global level by the ISO Technical Committee on sustainable cities and communities, ISO TC 268, where management system standard has been published – ISO 37101 -, as well as KPIs related ones – ISO 3712x series – and infrastructures related ones – ISO 3715x series-. 

ISO TC 268 has 69 members (countries), 46 being active ones and 23 observing ones. All continents are represented. The participation in the standardization development of ISO TC 268 is increasing rapidly, with direct inputs from cities. This contributes to ensure standards are developed by cities for cities, with the right level of details. The below figure shows the evolution of the membership between 2017 and 2019:

ISO TC 268 is organised with several Working Groups to meet the cities’ expectations and with permanent relation with the management system (holistic) approach. The figure below presents this organisation:


Further information can be found on the ISO TC 268 webpage,

The following figure sum-ups the standardization developments made by the ISO TC 268 in support of the set of sequences as described in the SCGP.




The following table give the list of standards developed in ISO TC 268:


The following table give the list of standards developed in ISO TC 268:


ISO 37100:2016 Sustainable cities and communities -- Vocabulary
ISO 37101:2016 Sustainable development in communities -- Management system for sustainable development -- Requirements with guidance for use
ISO 37104 Sustainable cities and communities -- Transforming our cities -- Guidance for practical local implementation of ISO 37101
ISO 37105 Sustainable cities and communities -- Descriptive framework for cities and communities
ISO 37106:2018 Sustainable cities and communities -- Guidance on establishing smart city operating models for sustainable communities
ISO/DTS 37107 Sustainable cities and communities -- Maturity framework for sustainable and smart-enabled communities
ISO 37120:2018 Sustainable cities and communities -- Indicators for city services and quality of life
ISO/TR 37121:2017 Sustainable development in communities -- Inventory of existing guidelines and approaches on sustainable development and resilience in cities
ISO 37122 Sustainable cities and communities -- Indicators for smart cities
ISO 37123 Sustainable cities and communities -- Indicators for resilient cities
ISO/TR 37150:2014 Smart community infrastructures -- Review of existing activities relevant to metrics
ISO/TS 37151:2015 Smart community infrastructures -- Principles and requirements for performance metrics
ISO/TR 37152:2016 Smart community infrastructures -- Common framework for development and operation
ISO 37153:2017 Smart community infrastructures -- Maturity model for assessment and improvement
ISO 37154:2017 Smart community infrastructures -- Best practice guidelines for transportation
ISO/DIS 37155-1 Framework for integration and operation of smart community infrastructures -- Part 1: Opportunities and challenges from interactions in smart community infrastructures from all aspects through the life-cycle
ISO/AWI 37155-2 Framework for integration and operation of smart community infrastructures -- Part 2: Holistic approach and the strategy for development, operation and maintenance of smart community infrastructures
ISO/DIS 37156  Guidelines on data exchange and sharing for smart community infrastructures
ISO 37157:2018 Smart community infrastructures -- Smart transportation for compact cities
ISO/FDIS 37158 Smart community infrastructures -- Smart transportation using battery-powered buses for passenger services
ISO 37159  Smart community infrastructures -- Smart transportation for rapid transit in and between large city zones and their surrounding areas
ISO/DIS 37160 Smart community infrastructure -- Measurement methods for quality of thermal power station infrastructure and requirements for plant operations and management
ISO/DIS 37161 Smart community infrastructures -- Guidance on smart transportation for energy saving in transportation services in cities
ISO/DIS 37162 Smart community infrastructures -- Smart transportation for newly- developing areas
ISO/DIS 37163 Smart community infrastructures -- Guidance on smart transportation for parking lot allocation in cities
ISO/NP 37164 Smart community infrastructures -- Smart transportation using fuel cell LRT
ISO/AWI 37165 Smart community infrastructures -- Guidance on smart transportation by non-cash payment for fare/fees in transportation and its related or additional services


At European level, it has been decided to harmonize the standardization developments between the three European Standardization Organisations (ESOs), CEN, CENELEC and ETSI, by creating a joint dedicated Sector Forum: CEN/CENELEC/ETSI Sector Forum Smart & Sustainable Cities and Communities – SF SSCC-. The aim is to harmonize the development in such a way that a set of consistent and complementary standards can be proposed to cities and communities, as a carrier to success stories’ replication and scaling-up.

CEN/CENELEC/ETSI SF SSCC also analyses the existing international standards and makes recommendation for adoption at European level, as well as needs for amendments.

CEN/CENELEC/ETSI SF SSCC is working closely with EIP-SCC, where the major expression of needs from cities and communities, including private sectors and citizens will be collected to feed EU standardization development as an answer to these needs. 

In addition, the Sector Forum will consider the outcomes from all relevant EU initiatives (such as SCIS, CoM, eea) and H2020 projects (such as Citykeys, Lighthouse SCC1, Espresso), as well as existing references to standardization works and related documents (such as EU standardization annual work programmes, UN Habitat, UN SDGs, UNEP, UNCCC).

In addition to EU priorities and commitments, UN SDGs is a priority which the Sector Forum includes with high consideration in its recommendations for further standardization developments and/or adoption of existing standards, in order to support cities and communities regarding fulfilling the commitment to UN SDGs.