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Smart Cities Marketplace
Scalable cities


Nijmegen, the Netherlands

EcoProcura is where public procurement policy meets practice, and where future innovations originate...

CROSS-SCC Replication Workshop

Stavanger, Norway

- Open to SCC1 members only - Right after this year's Nordic Edge, all SCC1 cities are invited to...


Valladolid, Spain

The ways towards a Smart Regeneration of Cities and Regions is the core of the BY&FORCITIZENS...

RealValue Final Event

Brussels, Belgium

Venue: Atelier des Tanneurs, Rue des Tanneurs 60A, 1000 Brussels, Belgium The three-year RealValue...

EIP-SCC General Assembly 2018

Sofia, Bulgaria

SAVE THE DATE: The EIP-SCC General Assembly is taking place from 27-28 June 2018 in Sofia, Bulgaria...

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