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Smart Cities Marketplace
Scalable cities
30 May 2017

Register for the SCIS policy session at EUSEW 2017 to discuss scale-up & replication in European cities

Across Europe, cities work together to develop and demonstrate innovative solutions that help accelerate transition towards a low-carbon, resource efficient, competitive and inclusive economy in urban areas. We at the Smart Cities Information System (SCIS) are in charge of collecting and analysing data from these solutions, so we are asking cities to share their stories and experiences. 

Register for the SCIS policy session at EUSEW 2017 on the 21 June (Wednesday) at 14.00 in Mansholt room, Charlemagne building, Brussels, which will bring together innovative thinkers and decision makers to foster learning and exchange and provoke meaningful discussions that will lead to actions driving the smart and sustainable vision of Europe forward. Demonstrating how innovation building, technological transfer and knowledge sharing help building up a smart city, the discussion will seek to encourage replication of innovative solutions, best practices and lessons learnt among cities and businesses.

The EU initiatives Smart Cities Information System (SCIS) and Covenant of Mayors, the City of Prague, the Horizon 2020 Lighthouse Projects network and the EU smart cities projects SMARTER TOGETHER and City-zen will present an interesting mix of perspectives sharing real case studies, inspiring practices, recommendations and creative solutions to challenges.

See the full agenda and the speakers here.