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Smart Cities Marketplace
Scalable cities

Future or past events

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Delivering (small) Circular Cities
Small and Medium-sized cities (SMCs), often referred to as Small Giants, face specific challenges but also bring with them specific strengths, when it comes to becoming more circular. Their closer...
Online only
The 10th European Conference on Sustainable Cities & Towns (ESCT) will take place on 1-3 October in Aalborg, Denmark. All cities, partners and experts seeking to contribute to the sustainable...

Aalborg, Denmark

EU RegionsWeek 2024: “Empowering communities”
The European Week of Regions and Cities (#EURegionsWeek) is the biggest annual Brussels-based event dedicated to cohesion policy. This year edition of the #EURegionsWeek (EWRC) will take place from 7-10...
Smart Country Convention
The Smart Country Convention (in short: SCCON) is Germany’s largest congress for the digitization in the public sector. As a driving force for the future of a modern public administration...

hub 27, Berlin Exhibition Grounds

Enlit Europe
Enlit is a high-level energy forum connecting industries, inspiring actions and helping Europe evolve into one decarbonised and digitalised energy system for the energy transition. The forum addresses every aspect...

Fiera Milano di Rho, Milan, Italy