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Smart Cities Marketplace

Smart Cities Marketplace at European Urban Resilience Forum

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The 2024 edition of EURESFO will be built around three key thematic streams and a fourth special thematic stream, each addressing crucial aspects of resilience, sustainable development and recovery. The first stream focuses on multilevel governance, cooperation, and the imperative of a just transition. The second thematic stream delves into water resilience and the promotion of the Blue Economy within and beyond the Mediterranean region. The third stream aims at enabling the transformation towards resilient, adaptive, and climate-neutral cities and regions. The fourth special stream focuses on building resilience in fragile settings and bridging the gap between Humanitarian Response to Post-conflict Resilience and Recovery.

The Smart Cities Marketplace will host a session titled Unlocking Finance for Smart Resilient Cities on 27 June from 14:00 to 15:45 CEST.

The 105-minute session aims to empower city leaders and stakeholders with the knowledge and tools necessary to effectively finance innovative and resilient initiatives within their communities. The workshop explores the financial landscape of climate action initiatives, strategies for enhancing project bankability and securing funding for sustainable urban development.

Key elements of the session included:

  1. Overview of Smart Solutions: Presentations provided insights into how cities optimise smart solutions to address resilience challenges and achieve climate neutrality.
  2. EU Smart Cities Marketplace: The session introduced the mission and services of the EU Smart Cities Marketplace, showcasing successful examples of cities embracing smart technologies and engaging with matchmaking services.
  3. City Presentations: The City of Guimarães and the City of Warsaw shared experiences and strategies for realising smart and resilient initiatives.
  4. Facilitated Discussions: Breakout groups led by experts delved into topics such as financing options and banking requirements, smart and resilient energy systems, buildings, and transport/mobility services.

Speakers included representatives from DG ENER, the City of Guimarães, the City of Warsaw and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). This session provides a platform for knowledge exchange, networking and collaboration to advance smart and resilient initiatives in European cities. 

Type of event



partner event
26 - 28 June 2024