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Smart Cities Marketplace
Scalable cities

Second Webinar of the Scalable Cities Roadshow:

Join Scalable Cities for the Second Webinar of the Scalable Cities Roadshow!
The Scalable Cities Roadshow is an empowering financial capacity-building programme designed to support cities to acquire the knowledge they need to scale up their projects, obtain funding to boost their climate neutral strategies, and contribute to fostering a green urban market environment.

The second Roadshow activity will take place on 7 February 2024 at 10:00! It will be a webinar focusing on "Exploring Business Model Canvas and ESG Metrics for Sustainable Urban Developement."

The webinar will be a highly interactive session with Eduardo Menendez, VC Analyst at GNE Finance, who will guide participants in how to design business models, analyse market conditions, and implement ESG metricsHow to design business models, analyse market conditions, and implement ESG metricsHow to design business models, analyse market conditions, and implement ESG metrics1:00h How to design business models, analyse market conditions, and implement ESG metrics. You will also receive support material tailored for this session!

Find below the webinar agenda and the registration form.

Practical Details

Type of event

7 February 2024 10:00-12:00
Online only event