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Smart Cities Marketplace
Scalable cities

Scalable Cities Café: The Action Grant


Join us for our third Scalable Cities Café on 10 January 2024 | 14:30 to 15:30 CEST focusing on the Scalable Cities' Action Grant!


The Scalable Cities Action Grant is a financial tool implemented in collaboration with the European Commission and CINEA, offering the opportunity to receive up to 50.000€ for each replication of measures successfully tested in Smart Cities and Communities projects. The 3rd Call for Proposals for the Action Grant will be open until 31 January 2024!

During our third Scalable Cities Café, coordinators of the Action Grant Sofia Corsi and Elina Sergejeva, from Energy Cities, will take you through all the details of the Action Grant, and allow you to best prepare your application for the 3rd Call for Proposals.

The present third call for proposals addresses three main priority topics:

  • Energy Communities
  • Positive Energy Districts
  • Data and digitalization

Our Cafés are be the perfect opportunity to learn about the services of Scalable Cities and the opportunities they offer. They are short, informative and interactive event. At every café, our speakers will provide a brief overview of the activity in focus. The presentation will be followed by a Q&A session, during which attendees will have plenty of time to ask further questions and address any doubts.

You will receive the access link to the webinar a few days before the event.


The role of Scalable Cities is to identify and promote energy solutions and business models that can be scaled up and replicated across Europe and lead to measurable outcomes.


Scalable Cities represents 120 cities who are involved in 18 Smart Cities and Communities projects funded by Horizon 2020 with around EUR 345 million. Working in consortia with academia, industry, associations and consultants, they implement more than 550 demonstrations of technological and social innovations in the areas of mobility and logistics, buildings, urban data and ICT infrastructure, citizen engagement as well as urban governance.

Type of event

10 January 2024 14:30-15:30
Online only event


Presentation Action Grant Café.pdf