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Smart Cities Marketplace
Scalable cities

MAKING-CITY Innovation Camp


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Join MAKING-CITY for the POWER UP YOUR CITY summit in Oulu, Finland on 16-17 November 2023. 

This exclusive Making City event is dedicated to policy guidelines for Positive Energy Districts (PEDs) and is aimed at professionals implementing carbon-free energy solutions. Learn from Oulu, our lighthouse city, and gain valuable insights into PEDs implementation, best practices and lessons learned. Our goal is to equip participants with the knowledge and tools they need to lead their cities into a new, more sustainable energy era.


Highlights of the event

  • Expand knowledge : discover advancement in implementing PEDs and explore innovative approaches, policies, and technologies for sustainabilite energy leadership.
  • Explore solutions : engage with experts through panel discussions, workshops, and case studies to gain practical strategies for powering up you city.
  • Foster collaboration : connect with professionals, industry leaders, and representatives from PED-embracing cities to forge valuable connections and explore collaboration opportunities.
  • Inspire change : hear success stories from transformative PED projects, learn from their innovations, and apply similar approaches in you own urban context.

To facilitate your participation, MAKING-CITIES set up a dedicated page on our website where you can find comprehensive information about the summit. You will also find the registration platform on this page, allowing you to confirm your attendance at the Innovation Camp. 

In addition, the organisers have secured special offers for accommodations at three hotels, negotiated by our Oulu team, that you can find on the same page.


Practical Details

Oulu: 16/11/2023 - 1st Day


8.00 - 8.30         Reception & Coffee

8.30 - 8.45         Welcome & Introduction

8.45 - 9.00         Presentation of MAKING-CITY project

9.00 - 09.45       MAKING-CITY lighthouse Oulu & its PED approach

09.45 - 10.00     Coffee Break

10.00 - 10.45     PED Implementation with Sister Projects and Lighthouse

10.45 - 11.30     Panel Discussion on Oulu's PED and Replication Strategies

11.30 - 12.30     Lunch Break and Networking

12.30 - 14.00     Capacity Builing & Stakeholder Engagement Strategies Workshop

14.00 - 14.15     Break and Networking

14.15 - 15.45     PED Business Model Challenge Workshop

15.45-16.00       Concluding Session

16.00                  Welcome Reception

Oulu 17/11/2023 - 2nd Day

9.00 - 12.00       PED District Site Visit


*Please note that the agenda is subject to change and might be updated until the event.*

16 - 17 November 2023

Oulu, Finland