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Smart Cities Marketplace
Scalable cities

Leveraging local policy to drive sustainable behaviour change in cities

Join this session for a discussion about the key obstacles and opportunities for local policymakers to leverage the potential of behavioural insights to drive positive change in cities. 

You will hear key findings and recommendations on why behaviour change is crucial to meet long-term climate & energy targets, how it can be achieved and hear directly from researchers and local policymakers on their experience and tips.

By participating, you can: 

  • hear about the most-promising policies to address and accelerate citizens’ lifestyle transformation.
  • discuss the best way to implement these lifestyles change strategies in municipal policies.

This event is co-hosted with the European Commission funded “CAMPAIGNers” project which aims to promote a transition to sustainable lifestyles by encouraging citizen-driven behaviour change as well as better understanding the underlying processes, motivators, and barriers to change.

Find the agenda here

18 December 2023 14:00-15:30
Smart City Theme