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Smart Cities Marketplace
Scalable cities

Energy Cities Forum "Grafting Cities" in Valencia


The 2024 edition of the annual Energy Cities Forum called the “Grafting Cities” will be held on June 26-27th, 2024 in the city of Valencia, Spain which is the European Green Capital 2024. The Grafting Cities conference will be running parallel to other major events taking place at the same time during the Valencia Climate Week

With this edition, Energy Cities are inviting the participants to reveal their cities, showcasing what they are doing to "graft" their municipalities and showing how local communities are transforming urban fabrics.

The conference sets out to reveal what transformations are already in action. Throughout the two days, participants will explore with municipalities the strengths of each region, to reveal the invisible: a project that has led to great changes, the real cities’ needs that protect against the risks of climate change, or the lacking infrastructures to meet the needs.

You can learn more about the programme and register by cliking on the button below. 


Type of event

26 - 27 June 2024