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Smart Cities Marketplace
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Mobility data spaces are taking off

Data spaces are transitioning from research projects, use case Proofs of Concept (PoCs) and limited demonstrations, to deployable and operational platforms. But what are these data spaces? – “In essence...

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CEF Digital – A third call opening

A third CEF Digital call , worth over €240 million, opened with a deadline to apply by 20 February 2024. It aims to strengthen the deployment of ultra-fast, secure and...

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SPARCS unveils comprehensive toolkit

Are you gearing up to host a startup competition and feeling overwhelmed by the many details that you need to manage? Look no further than the Startup Competition Toolkit from...

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SCM webinar explores hydrogen integration

In response to the pressing challenges of urban decarbonisation, a recent webinar delved into the potential of hydrogen in city energy frameworks. Organised by the Smart Cities Marketplace as part...

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SCM webinar explores strategies for decarbonising mobility

On 24 October, in an insightful webinar “Empowering Cities - Decarbonising Mobility through Strategies, Success Stories, and Innovation” hosted by the Smart Cities Marketplace, experts and city representatives came together...

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Empowering small and medium-sized cities

In the global pursuit of a sustainable future, small and medium-sized cities (SMCs) are stepping into the spotlight as key players in achieving net-zero emissions. The Horizon Europe-funded SMCNetZero project...

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Happening Next Week: Scalable Cities Café!

Don't forget to register and join the Scalable Cities Secretariat for a “Scalable Cities Café''. With a new series of short and interactive online events, the Secretariat will take you...

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