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Smart Cities Marketplace

Projects data visualisations

Projects data visualisation results 12

Results 1 to 8

Measure 6.1 Open district heating with feed in of waste heat

Measure 3.1 Smart energy saving tenants - Active House

ICT aspects

Building/Building Energy Management System ICT/Building Energy Management System

Measure 5.1 Smart street lighting

ICT aspects

City level/Smart lampposts

Measure 11.4 Setting up refuelling facilities for heavy-duty fuels

Measure 2.1 Integrated multi-modal transport for construction materials/logistics center

Measure 1.1 & 4.1 Energy efficient refurbishment of the building - Brf Årstakrönet

Building aspects

Building features / Active ventilation control Building type / residential

ICT aspects

Building/Building Energy Management System Building/Demand Response Energy Systems Integration/Demand Response ICT/Building Energy Management System ICT/Demand Response

Measure 1.1 Energy efficient refurbishment of the building - Kylhuset

Building aspects

Building type / tertiary (non municipal)

ICT aspects

Building/Building Energy Management System ICT/Building Energy Management System

Measure 1.1 Energy efficient refurbishment of the building - Slaughterhouse

Building aspects

Building type / tertiary (non municipal)