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DECIDE - Call for Replicants Info Webinar

The aim of the info webinar is to take attendees trough the purpose, process and requirements of the Call for Replicants. Find out more about why you should become a DECIDE Replicant, and how you can apply. Attendees will have the chance to pose any questions on the project, the pilots and the application process. More detailed information on the call process will be provided on the project website. The event will take place on 15 April from 14:00 to 15:00 CEST.

The aim of DECIDE is to better understand how to successfully set-up and roll-out Energy Communities or energy collective actions in Europe.More especially the project investigate how specific types of individuals or groups can be motivated to join (what information is needed, which kind of communications and interactions work best to encourage participation), what are the legal barriers that prevent the uptake of such initiatives and which are current and emerging business models that such initiatives can tap on. The project continuously tests and transfers this knowledge in seven pilot projects across seven different European countries. 

The project has opened its Call for DECIDE Replicants. The call is open from 8 April 2021 to 4 May 2021 to any energy community or collective action established in an EU Member State or an associated EU country. With this initiative, DECIDE is looking forward to applying its knowledge to help European energy communities or collective actions growing and becoming examples that can be further inspire similar initiatives.Please take a look at the DECIDE Call for Replicants on the project website, where you’ll find all relevant materials and also a self-assessment tool to understand if your energy action qualifies as an energy community or as collective action.

Type of event

15 April 2021 14:00-{14}:{00}
Online only event